Swiss Miss Rachel

Monday, August 28, 2006

Here we go...

I have a job! woot, woot. I can breathe easy, sort of. I still have to figure out the apartment thing. I think I'm gonna go with the two bedroom no matter what, but I really hope Jen can stay in California. That would be sweet.

So the's weird how God works. So on my way to camp this summer, I had two interviews. One for a baby group home in Orange county and one for a teenage girl group home in Pasadena. The baby home interview went really well and it sounded like there would be positions available in August when I would be done with camp. The Pasadena one sounded even better, opportunity-wise that is. It would allow me to do case work, lead group behavioral therapy sessions, and it would pay for my masters degree. They also told me to call back in August, but I wasn't as sure there would be spots open, and I figured I'd have more interviews, since I was supposed to have interviewed with a whole pannel of important people, but at the last minute they all had meetings so I interviewed with just one lady.

So when camp ended, I called back the baby home, thinking it was a for sure thing. And there was a position open, but I had to interview with the actual home. So I did and waited to hear back, but it took for ever to get a hold of them. I finally did, but the position had gone to someone else who was like over-qualified or something. So I set out to find any kind of work, even secretary jobs. I called and left a message with the Pasadena place, not really expecting much, since I told them I'd be able to start early August, but didn't call them till end of August. The next day I received a call, thinking it someone from one of the many positions I applied for, but it was the lady from the Pasadena job! She wanted to know how my summer was and what shift I had said I wanted. I couldn't remember so I asked her to tell me them again. She said there was one from Sun through Wed. or Wed through Saturday. I was about to say the Wed through Saturday one, but then she remembered another shift had just become available. It's monday through friday from 2 to 10pm. Which actually works best traffic wise, since I would be commuty from Riverside. So I was all prepared for her to say I needed to go through a few more interviews, but then she just said she'd like to offer me that shift and to come on Monday to fill out all the paper work. And that was it. I have a job. It was weird, I thought I had heard her wrong. But I went in today and signed all the paperwork, and I start training next week.

It's crazy how God works. This summer I was torn over which job opportunity to pursue. This pasadena was the best opportunity-wise, but I felt more secure in the baby home job, since I was pretty sure I was done with all the interviewing over there (which it turns out I wasn't). Plus, lets face's a lot easier working for toddlers who just want to play and cuddle, than it is working with pre-teens who have no problem telling you how much they hate the rules, you, etc. One thing that sticks out from this summer is a conversation I had with Lorraina, where she told me that God might make it completely clear which direction I should take. He has a way of closing some doors and opening others. And that's totally what He did.


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